Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Videos from Class

The videos from class last wednesday were very interesting. I never thought someone would actually take one of my photos from facebook or myspace and put in on a billboard. When becoming a member of facebook and myspace I knew that it is possible for people to steal your photos or drawings, but I never thought it completely through. It's one of those things I thought "That would never happen to me." I think if you are willing to take a photo and put it up on the internet then its fair game for the media or anyone else to take that photo. That's a horrible situation, but you have to know the coinsequences of putting pictures on the web. In the case with the girl who's picture was on the billboard, I feel that the cell phone company didn't do anything legally wrong. It's unethically to take a random person's photo without their concent, but that's just how the world works, not everything is fair.

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